Insightful Creator #27 - How to NOT put your brand in a grave

4 minute read that might save your entire career.


Read time: 4 minutes.

Most people are completely lost.

And that’s just the truth.

I’ve seen countless people rise and fall on Money Twitter… For the longest time.

Lately it came to a point where only 3 viable competitors remain on my market.

At the beginning there was at least 30 of them.

And lately… You see I’ve been building my project in the background.

To be fairly honest I spend half a day building it and the second half fighting immense heat that just came to Poland.

But oh well…

In last few days I saw 2 another people leave Twitter. And tons of others ruining their brands as we speak.

I sticked to my niche for 7 months and became an authority - so let me tell you what I think are most crucial mistakes you could possibly take.

And for the love of God.

Actually do something to avoid them.

Don’t abuse fake scarcity

This one sucks the most.

Ever heard of that discounted product?

“I made $1,345 bundle but now you get it for FREE”

Some will say that this is human generosity.

Smart people will say that it’s bollocks.

Same goes with your mid/high ticket stuff.

Do you have a good product? A great product?

Don’t you even dare to put it on a random discount/give it out for free without reason.

Imagine a potential lead coming in…

  • They’re interested in your product

  • They see that you’ve already gave it out for free

  • They see that people purchased it for way lower price

  • Start questioning it’s value

  • Leave

Same goes with trying to market something that doesn’t exist yet.

And now, shall we shift to another problem…

Show, don’t tell

Many people are jealous of results other people achieve.

They try to market a product in mind to not get forgotten by the market, but in reality…

…there’s literally no product not yet.

Don’t get me wrong.

Preselling is fine.

But selling with intent of just stealing attention while you’re not effectively building something?

You’ll understand that this will soon turn into your demise.

You can build trust for months.

Lose it in seconds because people notice you’re a fraud.

So rather that telling everyone about new shiny object that you’re trying to put into the market…

Show some spoilers, a peek into it and make people genuinely curious.

Oh, and about that…

Solve actual problems

I have to underline this.

You see… There’s a reason why I succeeded.

Alongside with Dan Koe. Justin Welsh. My friends from my close circle.

We all know who we are helping - and how we’re helping. We also know their direct pains.

We dare not to build something before we see the demand or need for it.

Many people just run at it, mindlessly like a bunch of chimpanzees.

They go on to create another mediocre product for the sake of creating a mediocre product.

My friend…

It doesn’t work that way.

So before you build anything… See it in the field if it actually will work.

These core problems put 90% of my competition in a grave.

With remaining 10% I either collaborate already or I know them well.

Twitter is not just blues and roses - it’s quite ruthless.

Especially if you’re no direction.

No tribe.

It sucks.

And I know how badly it sucks.

That’s why I plan to revolutionize Twitter once and for all.

I know that many of you experience extremely powerful FOMO these days.

Seeing everyone else collaborate. Win.

All of your peers… but you.

I’ve been coaching people for over 5 months now.

And it finally is time… to take it to another level.

Here’s what I offer to you…

  • Over 4h of recorded vids

  • Tons of tailored resources

  • 2 limited minicourses

  • A community to network with

  • Bi-weekly calls + masterclasses

Best of all?

It’s literally a replacement for all of the coaches on Twitter.

I know how badly all of you want to have a tribe to associate yourself to.

To finally feel understood, meet your tribe and build cool shit.

I get it completely.

And now?

It’s exactly your chance to do so.

Will you just wait until one of the best opportunities of your lifetime slips out of your hands?

Take action.

I’m announcing official release date soon.

And I won’t wait forever for you.

Stay tuned.

How I can help you

I’m onboarding busy folks who want to grow and monetize their brand and are serious about it. I run a 1:1 monthly mentorship programme to those willing to invest in themselves. Reply to this email with “coach” and I’ll get back to you.

After driving $1k of sales on Gumroad past few days I saw potential in affiliate marketing. Grab my link, get someone to buy any of my products, earn 50% commision. Get the link here

Hope you’ve a great one,
