Insightful Creator #20 - How To Succeed

Apply this or stay mediocre.

Read time: 3 minutes.

Welcome back, creators

This Issue is 20th being released here - after 20 weeks of me leading and writing this newsletter.

I'll skip monetizing, growth - and write about something special today. More indepth.

I also want to liven up this letter - don't want to sound like a robot constantly spilling monetization strategies at you.

After these 20 weeks it feels like no time has passed at all - and at the other side like millenia has passed.

And the journey hasn't been always easy.

Sometimes I lost subs. I felt burned out. Fed up. Done.

But I held on. 

And I earned money. And I got followers. I grew my network. I succeeded.

"Seb... But why are you telling me this? For what purpose?"

Simple. I'll show you 3 primary things that got me to where I am now - and that will carry me beyond.

Success is not linear

What worked once, twice or even three times might stop working at some point.

Success that you've had yesterday might be followed by bad luck in the present day.

Growth and success is not a stable curve - but there are 3 main points that you need to apply if you want them:

  • Vision

  • Focus

  • Persistence

It's not some bs motivation. Let me show you how I incorporated each - so you may succeed as well.

Having a bad aim > Being aimless

We have 3 people:

  • First one is me. I don't have the greatest aim, but I aim partially in the best direction. I do get results.

  • Second one is person who follows me. A beginner, slowly acquainting himself to this Twitter space. He's bad aim often, but he gets some results - learns on the way.

  • Third is person who has no aim. Reads books, random articles, redeems random giveaways and acts according to trends.

It's pretty simple to see a pattern here.


You MUST have a vision.

It doesn't matter if it's:

  • Imperfect

  • Unfinished

  • Might go sideways

Solopreneurship is good because if you're starting from 0 you've nothing to lose - and if you experiment already on the journey you get experience and knowledge back.

So how to have a vision?

  • Find your own good traits and skills (discuss it with others)

  • Learn and hone these through the internet

  • Experiment and work by abusing these

  • Have an endgame

And post importantly...

Value action goals over result based goals.

I didn't close clients because I was looking to close 1 client/week

I did close them because I was looking to deliver content, DMs and other things daily.


Laser your own goals

There is one primary element to discipline.

Having laser like focus.

There is truly no way around it.

Deal with it.

Motivation won't get you far.

But here's how I use discipline to succeed:

  • Removing all of the possible distractions

  • Caffeine + 1h of deep work several times a day

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Timeblocking

The only app that I do use is Notes - to keep track of my habits and overall fulfillment of my tasks daily.

And then there's the last one...

Be persistent

Nothing will get done for-you.

And it won't be an instant success.

Good things take time - in my case it took 4 months to get financially stable from my hustle

And I still will keep pushing for more.

Last lesson?

Have some sort of accountability.

It's not easy to keep going all by yourself.

It truly isn't. Believe me.

I tried to solo this entire path myself early on. Monumentally failed.

Almost fell back to gaming and burnout.

What changed?

  • I networked daily

  • I met new people

  • Gave myself time to rest and reiterate

  • Had reward/punishment system accountability with my peers on the journey.

This point is probably what most people miss.

Be accountable. And keep it real.

Let me keep you for one more minute.

As you may or may not know I want to give you some bonuses for all of you here in the newsletter - for that reason I want to show you something.

Due to high amount of stress and work lately I had to search for alternatives, 

I've been fascinated with AI lately. Mostly to automate my workflow and get rid off tedious tasks.

I've stumbled on this one app.

All-in-one AI habit tracker. Not yet released - does look promising.

Once you get to a certain point in business you just must delegate and automate things. And to be honest? This looks like a great deal.

I'll share the link here for anyone who wants to check it out here.

(And no, I haven't been sponsored. Just my goodwill to share a product that I'll use soon - related to topic I wrote about)

Won't keep you for longer.

I bid you a good day my friend.

Seb, out.