Insightful Creator #17 - Magic Of High Ticket

Why low ticket sucks - and how to get paid well for your work.

Read time: 4 minutes.

Welcome back, creators

First off I'd like to adress an issue - some people have reported that due to usage of words commonly associated with sales and monetization some of Insightful Creator Issues were landing in "Promotions" tab in their inbox - basically marking those as saleouts.

It doesn't bother me that much - as some things need to be delivered no matter how they should, or should not be worded. If you're still here, reading those issues and applying the knowledge - I respect you.

Without further ado let me explain todays topic - high ticket clients and why you should focus only on getting them.

Monetizing is easy - doing it right isn't

  • "You need 5,000 follows to close clients!1!1!"

  • "Social proof is all that matters!1!1!"

You've heard these tons of times - I'm pretty sure. And you should know that it's all BS.

  • Get to 100 followers

  • Reiterate on lead magnets (valuable thread and giveaways)

  • Hop on 5-10 free calls to listen to your audiences struggle

  • Create and refine your offer according to feedback

  • Pitch your followers + email subs from giveaways

Sounds banal, right? And yes it is... But you won't earn alot.

I've been in similar situation once I started monetizing my account seriously in late Feb 2023.

Closing consultation calls for $150 per 1h of my time felt like a godly deal for that time.

Being able to literally tell and explain people how to do things that I already love doing with minimal input of my own.

Then... Saw my dear friend (let's call him H) close a $6,000 deal.

While I've been earning minimal money for my worth - he's just closed a giant deal for his optimal fulfillment package (which I already had.)

Man earned more with one deal than I did thorough all of mine low ticket deals.

That got me thinking - there must be more to this game.

Why low-ticket sucks

Everyone looking at my recent achievements on Twitter (crossing over $1k in revenue, now way more + 7k follows) thought that I live in some happy wonderland.

In reality I did not (at that time).

I'll give you few examples why there was a dark side to my low-ticket consultations:

  • I had many no-shows on discovery calls or simply unqualified leads showing up

  • There were many broke people who wanted just all the secrets for free

  • People who didn't even post one tweet, wishing to start printing $$$ today

  • Working with rarely valuable creators, mostly with people whom I had to guide A-Z

And there is nothing wrong with guiding people A-Z - if you get paid well for it. It's a fuckton of effort, isn't it?

Truth be said, the highest onetime deal I've closed is $600... For an entire month of coaching.

That doesn't seem like viable option at all. I mean - I can get anywhere from 5 to 15 booked calls for any service through just ONE giveaway.

And 90% of them will be qualified. Seems like I was seriously getting underpaid.

For that reason I chose to search for help - and actually shift to high ticket.

Why and how I'm doing the shift right now

I've closed well over 10 clients, ranging anywhere from $150 to $600 per deal - and I have gained enough experience.

I delivered results both for my clients and myself - so fulfillment phase isn't even a concern of mine at this point.

Furthermore I've been on a call with H - and he said one thing that heavily resonated with me:

  • "Leave the low-hanging fruit for others, know your worth"

I love helping people - but getting qualified leads requires correct pricing as well.

If you sell cheap, everyone thinks that it's accessible for brokies + low quality.

If you sell expensively, people acknowledge it's quality + only rich, qualified clients will come.

And how I'm going to make this shift?

  • Rebrand correctly

  • Remove or make current coaching offers accessible only for richer people

  • Focus on ghostwriting, giving you mainly insights on how to make words print cash

Furthermore, I'll probably focus on beginner-intermediate content - so people who actually come for my advice are already qualified enough to know the basics.

Leveraging the quality and positioning of my brand is the primary drive of actually changing to high ticket.

Why would I slave away and earn $3k thorough just one month if I can go ahead and earn it with one deal?

If you're a beginner and haven't monetized yet - you should go this hard path in the beginning.

If you do not have any social credit or testimonials make a name for yourself first - then shift to high ticket.

Don't slave away to low ticket deals for the rest of your life.

That's also why I've an offer to you.

As I clearly noted in here, my prices for coaching offers will go up drastically in the close future - or I will simply remove them in favor of high ticket.

But I do want to help people who are willing to print money on Twitter.

This is the last time this happens - 10 spots remaining for any coaching package from me. Then they're gone.

Listen. In 4 months I've build a brand with almost 9,000,000 impressions, 7,100 follows and monetized it.

I do know how to build a brand that will last. Sure, this newsletter issue does attain you some level of clarity - and if you act on it you're guaranteed to get results.

But frankly... Those results won't be perfect. In the beginning you'll struggle and you'll be leaving out money on the table. Don't want to happen? I can guide you.

  • I'll help you/build you effective 1-3 lead magnets that you'll post this month

  • You'll get 10-30 warm leads minimum. All depends on your branding.

  • You'll boost your own engagement and account growth 2-3x.

  • Most importantly, you'll save time and get clarity.

No BS approach. I respect your time. And I respect your money.

Go run in circles, chasing gurus after gurus in hopes of finding someone who'll help you - or let a person who loves this do their thing.

Want to invest in yourself to earn more money? Let's get in touch.

This is the late weekend issue - as always delivered to your inbox.

Still thinking of how I can hone and improve this design - I'm open to feedback.

As ending thoughts I'd like to add this little quote to all of you who still think that you need 1000s of followers to earn money:

Likes Ain't Cash.

To all of you who understand this I bid farewell and hope you're having a stellar day.

  • Seb, out