Insightful Creator #16 - Lead Magnets

AKA. How to go $0-$1000 on fasttrack in ~30 days.

Read time: 4 minutes.

Welcome back, creators

Quick intro: I wanted to get this issue out on Friday, but I got flu + tons of clients work to be done. Also I chose to edit and polish it for a bit before I released it - so here it is, a few days late but here.

The main subject of todays issue will be no other than lead magnets - as many of you frankly are looking to either monetize through creating an offer OR you already do have an offer - and you're just looking for clients through Twitter.

Let me tell you this: there are two ways you can go with lead magnets:

  • Themed giveaways

  • Themed threads

We'll focus on the first one more as it's way more extensive topic - that's also harder to be fully understood.

Without further ado, let's dive into it.

Prerequisites and few intro words

If you're making lead magnets, then you'll get leads... Obviously. So you do need to funnel them somewhere.

  • Have an offer before you create a lead magnet

  • Niche down your own content enough so your account theme is consistent

  • Optimize your branding + write 1-2 threads before even creating the lead magnet

I'll explain in a minute.

Right now get your toolset ready and savvy:

  • Notion

  • Canva (or Photoshop)

  • Gumroad/ConvertKit (or anything to funnel the product through that requires email sub to redeem)

  • AutoDM service (TweetHunter or Hypefury, unless you just want to DM people manually)

Got it? Let's ideate.


Understand that your content needs to be niched down.

A good lead magnet will bring you some followers - way less than a normal giveaway ever will. Your main focus is to get clients from your own niche.

Forget doing a crappy ChatGPT giveaway and call it a day. Do better.

The main topic of your lead magnet has to be closely related to your own branding - but you have to leverage it a little bit. Let me give you an example:

  • Your own niche is productivity+habits.

  • You create breakdowns and case studies around various resources and people in the productivity space.

  • Your lead magnet could be a checklist Notion template, a quick ebook about an effective approach to deep work or a bundle of Looms regarding habits (productivity minicourse)

"But Seb... That's just my casual quality giveaway. It doesn't mean shit"

Give it time... And buckle up.

Turning a giveaway into a lead magnet

There are several steps that you need to execute.

  1. Add Benefit Based Aspect (BBA) - underline one viable benefit the reader is getting

  2. Leverage the benefit above the description of the product (f.e. don't tell the contents in the hook, tell about the $$$ gain they can achieve)

  3. Clean it up, make it concise and proofread - it must be perfect

  4. Plug your offer (free call optimally) in your product

  5. Plug your offer in the invoice your readers will get when receiving the product

  6. Add a soft question slowly funelling them down to your offer in the AutoDM (f.e. "PS: I'm wondering, what have been your greatest struggles regarding monetization?")

  7. Leverage the hook in the tweet with previously mentioned BBA - while clearly underlining the need to RT and follow before receiving.

  8. Add a sense of urgency (f.e. "Only 500 first people/24h only")

  9. Profit

Sound easy enough... Right? Well... No.

If your actual product that you've packaged as a lead magnet isn't sought after enough, you'll get nowhere.

There's still more to the game.

Let me tell you about the last aspect that you need to incorporate.

Give before you receive

People love free stuff. Even your soon-to-be-leads.

Especially if it's valuable. That's why you WILL add bonuses.

And I underline you WILL. Take Garry Flix for example.

Yes, this dude. He made over $15k from product sales. Do you want to know why?

His product descriptions were so huge that you had to scroll for several seconds before getting to the end - and half of them were just quoting the bonuses.

Really. And that's the same approach you must practice.

  • You've an ebook? Add another one and make it 2in1 package.

  • Got a Notion template? Add an ebook or a Loom to it.

  • Got a giant free course? Add your past giveaways to it as a bundle.

Throw some free ebooks, swipefiles or anything you want into the mix.

Really, it doesn't matter what - as long as it sticks to the same topic. And it allows you to overdeliver.

People love these fancy descriptions in which they can see a ton of things....

But there's a dark side to it.

Crumbs Model

You can't give out away everything.

If you want someone to buy your offer - you need to give them a big amount of knowledge that frankly, is either hard to implement, or not fully fledged out...

Like I did it here with this entire giveaway.

There are finer details like engagement causes, shadowbans, writing effective copy, CRO leveraging that I won't tell you here.

And you shall do the same with your lead magnet.

Create this feeling in the reader that they just have to schedule a call or at least DM you to get the full sauce.

That's where you make real $$$


One lead magnet doesn't mean anything.

You could as well write 1 thread a month and expect to be top 1% thread writer. Insanity.

I recommend posting 1 lead magnet every 1-2 weeks. 2-4 lead magnets a month. Why?

Stable follower growth, stable lead income.

Also you can actually leverage your own expertise you attain by releasing these every so often and make improvements on a fasttrack.

Win win situation.

Threads as lead magnets

That officially marks the ending of the part where I talk about niched giveaways.

Now, onto niched threads.

Deal is pretty much the same - Crumbs Model, BBA, Rule of Four - it all still applies. Just a tad bit differently.

I don't want to get into that too deeply here - because I've personally been a huge fan of niched giveaways myself. Threads are nice, they do bring tons of leads (sometimes even more than giveaways) but they're helluva harder to perfect.

I do not recommend to go for them if you've possibility of just making a really damn good giveaway.

You'll gain more followers + traction anyway if you're into these as well.

Anyway - I do have a resource to actually help you. Here, read up my friend.

All I can say is that lead magnets are the "be or not to be" of your entire brand based business.

I've been creating them for myself and clients over 10 times already - and I've been getting consistent results.

Want your piece? I can guide you. Sure, this newsletter issue does attain you some level of clarity - and if you act on it you're guaranteed to get results.

But frankly... Those results won't be perfect. In the beginning you'll struggle and you'll be leaving out money on the table. Don't want to happen? I can guide you.

  • I'll help you/build you effective 1-3 lead magnets that you'll post this month

  • You'll get 10+ warm leads minimum. All depends on your branding.

  • You'll boost your own engagement and account growth.

  • Most importantly, you'll save time and get clarity.

No BS approach. I respect your time. And I respect your money.

Want to invest in yourself to earn more money? Let's get in touch.

I won't annoy you any longer.

My last valuable tip for you would be to use that 1 thread you've written before the creation of the lead magnet and post it during/nearing the end of the giveaway.

Why? Two words.

Follower retainability.

Also just testing your memory, whether you remembered this fact from the beginning ;)

Aight, hope you're having a great one my friend. See you next weekend.

  • Seb, out