Insightful Creator #13 - On Ideation

Never run out of ideas ever again.

Read time: 4 minutes.

Welcome back, creators

Alright I'll be honest with you - I'm a fast guy. Not rapid, but I love to get my work done quickly. No postponing, but to meet my demands on time.

As I became a writer it became common for me to run out of ideas back when I was a newbie. Quite a common issue, however I was not willing to give up.

Said "F*ck it, I can't allow myself to just give up, can I?"

That's why I've made myself an entire Ideation System - that allowed me to never run out of ideas ever again.

I'll be sharing it today with you. Let's dig in.

Pyramid Model

Now back when I was at around 500 follows and began mindstorming this, I immediately understood that I'd have to separate this into levels.


No two types of writers block are the same. Some are caused my procrastination, others by lack of consumption sources. Some even by writing too much.

That's why I created this pyramid - that I'll break step by step:

  • Focus (Reteller)

    • Think (Storyteller)

      • Exercise (Worker)

        • Boredom (Monk)

Now, you will be progressively going to further stages, if one doesn't work for you.

Reteller >>>>> Storyteller >>>>> Worker >>>>> Monk

Let's dig in.

Focus (Reteller)

This stage is the first one that you should consider when you run out of ideas.

I'll give you an example.

Let's say that you're struggling with how to come up with more ideas. What should you do?

Write about this current problem you're having. Retell those event either in a form of a story, guide or relatable piece of content.

It's your call.

Simple Reteller framework:

  • Problem into Solution

  • Struggle and Success into Story

  • Experience into Words

This model is especially easy because you already know what problem you've encountered - and if you struggle with expanding on the concept itself, just write what you're feeling.

It isn't hard.

Think (Storyteller)

This one is a slightly different and slightly harder version of Reteller framework.

This time around you're not meant to show your fixated and subjective opinion - purely tell a story.

This is especially easy because all that you're doing is telling the events exactly as they were.

Doesn't matter which events - just follow these rules:

Simple Storyteller framework:

  • Don't show your personal opinion, until you've to write a morale

  • Use Rule of One (1 Emotion, Impact, Plot, MC)

  • Focus on showing consequences of each action to interconnect them

Harder to do than the previous, but still quite easy. Minimal effort needed... Unless your life is bland and boring.

Which I hope it is not.

Exercise (Worker)

Alright, this is a quick section.

If 2 previous techniques did not work, this one will.

Simple Worker framework:

  • Go to the gym for 1-2h

  • Focus on some physically taxing task

  • Highly recommending going for a walk or a run

Take no electronic devices with you - let it be just you and your thoughts.

Adrenaline and hormones you'll get from working out will in 90% of cases skyrocket your creativity and ideas.

Boredom (Monk)

This is the last and most extreme step of the journey.

I had 3 cases in which none of the previous three steps worked - so I had to use this one.

Mind that this is almost an absolute reset - and won't work if your mind is bloated with notifications, social media and any useless crap. Use dopamine detox lifestyle to fix these.

Simple Monk framework:

  • Remove all physical and visual distractions from your room

  • Close it

  • Sit in place for anywhere from 10 - 45 minutes, stop thinking, moving, just sit

This is extreme, believe me. It might seem like meditation, but it isn't - what it does is absolutely erases any chance for your mind to focus on anything other than your thoughts.

Meditation has a sole purpose of stopping these - so there's a difference.

This most definitely should work for you.


Tell your problems >>>>> Tell your stories >>>>> Workout >>>>> Mindless activity

This framework ALWAYS works for me. It's brilliant in its simplicity - so it should serve well you too.

Hope this helps you in any way, shape or form.

And if it doesn't and you still feel lost both with writing and solving problems regarding your personal brand - I can help you on personal level.

Whenever you need, I'll be there. - (Mind that it's a discovery call - set it only if you're serious on working for me. It's not free.)


Additional disclaimer and thank to all of you for crossing 5,000 followers on Twitter. You guys are awesome!

I've released a product lately - get it if you still haven't.

It will be going paid on Monday - but it will be free for my email subs. Spread the word.

That said, have a great one.

  • Seb, out